Tuesday, April 30, 2013

Tips to rent referrals in your PTC sites?

Renting / buying referrals is another way to increase the number of referrals in your downline, but this requires to invest some money and time to manage them. Don’t be scared, it is a quite simple task, you’ll grow familiar with it in a matter of minutes. We can rent referrals on PTC sites. We can buy them and they are in our down-line for good. When launched NeoBux made a very innovative move: it introduced the referral renting system. Since then every PTC site implements this feature, it helps the PTC sites to be more stable financially.
When we rent referrals we do that in the hope they will make a profit for us, which means that they make more money for than we spend on them to rent, to extend and to recycle. This is not always the case, that’s why we must manage them properly to make the most possible money out of them. There’s no strategy that is good for every site. There are many factors that influence the applied strategy: our membership type, the cost of renting, the cost of recycling, the click average.

Few Terminologies:
  • Renting – it is the process when you rent 1 or more (usually up to 100) referrals. Your account (Renting or Main Balance) is charged, and the rented referrals join your down-line instantly for 30 days, unless you extend them
  • Extend, renew – this means you can add extra days to your referral’s due date, thus the expiration date is postponed. You can extend your chosen referrals with 15-240 days. The higher the extension days are the bigger discount you get, some money can be saved this way.
  • Recycle – when you think that one or more referrals are too lazy and you don’t want to keep them any longer, you can recycle them. For a fee (5-8 cents, depending on the site) your unwanted referrals are swapped with fresh ones. Also, the rented referrals are recycled for free after an inactivity period of 10-14 days (depending on the site)
  • Average – this is the click average your referral makes while it’s in your downline. Let’s say you have a referral for 20 days and he clicked 30 ads so far, than his average is 30/20=1,5 . According to this average you can tell which referral is good and which is bad.
  • Earning made – shows how much money your referral made for you so far.
  • Clicks – this is how many clicks your referral made since he is in your downline.
  • AutoPay – this is a useful tool that can be turned on or off. If you have AutoPay enabled, on the first click a referral makes per day, you’ll pay to keep that referral for an extra day. If the referral does not click, you won’t pay him for another day. In other words you pay daily for a one day extension. Let’s say you have 10 rented referrals, and AutoPay is enabled. Those referrals that click today, will have their due date extended with one day. The extension days bought with AutoPay are cheaper than the extensions paid in regular ways.

Most PTC sites provides detailed statistics about each and every referral’s activity. It’s very easy to manage your referrals based on these statistics if you know how to use them. Always look at these statistics of a certain referral as whole, not in pieces. You can tell which ref is bad based only on his average or the clicks he made. The rented referrals can be sorted by several criterion making picking sertain referrals much easier.
Managing referrals can be done one by one or with many referrals at once. For instance you can recycle one referral if you wish, but you may want to recycle many referrals. To recycle a group of referrals, just tick every checkbox at the end of the chosen referral’s row, select the recycle option, and that’s all.

My Top Legitimate PTC Sites:

Tips on how to get direct referrals for your PTC site?

Making money with PTC sites is quite simple, no skills are required and it doesn’t take too much time to click some advertisement links. Although everyone makes money from the first day after signing up to a money maker site (let’s assume the site is legit), we must admit that it’s not a big deal to make a few cents per day that you earn clicking on your own. What really turns a PTC site into a good income source is the amount of referrals you have in your downline. By upgrading your membership your income increases significantly, too, but this means you have to invest money. For the time being let’s stick to free stuff. Try to get as many Direct Referrals as possible. For some people this is the most difficult part of the whole thing: how to get Direct Referrals? Let’s face it, it’s not easy, indeed. But if you know how to do it, everything is much easier.

► Make your own website or blog.
This takes the most effort on your side, but this works best especially in the long run. There are many ways to set up a website or a blog for free. Even if you have never made anything like this before, just make a search on the Internet there is a lot of resource you can make use of. You don’t need to be a skilled coder to be able to make your own site. Personally I recommend to use Blogger.com it’s free, reliable and very popular. You only have to sign up, choose a theme, and start posting. It’s that simple. The more useful posts you make, and the more unique your site is, the more successfully your site will be and the more visitors you will have.

► Traffic Exchanger Sites
On these sites you can promote your referrer link or your site for free. You earn credits by visiting other peoples’ sites, in exchange those people visit your site.

  • EasyHits4u -  is the most popular traffic exchange site that ever existed. Simple to use and very effective. The site is online since 2003, by now more than 600.000 signed up members. There are approximately 1000-2000 members surfing in every second there, so your page is shown to a large number of people throughout the day. As a welcome bonus you get 50 credits when you register. Credits are earned by surfing the pages, and for your referrals activity. Referral system is 5-level deep for Regular Members and 6-level deep for Premium Members. The traffic exchange ratio is 1:1 with a 20 seconds timer or 2:1 with a 15 seconds timer. It’s up to you which timer you choose. Your account is credited with $0.30 for every 1000 surfed page (no matter whether is 20 or 15 sec timer), and $0.10 for your every referral that surfed 100 pages. The payout minimum is $3, and is paid via PayPal or AlertPay. On every 25th page there’s a prize for you. Remember you have to push the “Claim Your Prize” in order to get it.
  • Hit2Hit - is also a very good Traffic Exchange program. For Standard Members the surf ratio is 2:1 with a 7 seconds timer per page, while you surf the pages you’ll get a plenty of bonuses. Every 15th page contains a bonus (extra credits ) and every now and then there are pages that hide more prizes. Referrals can be gained too credits.

Social Networks. 
If you have an account at any Social Network and Bookmarking site (FaceBook, Twitter, MySpace), you can promote your referrer link or your site there. If you don’t have an account on these sites, it’s time to create one. Update your profile, submit your link, it’s a great possibility, thousands of people might see it.

The other most obvious way to promote your link is by posting in forums. There are myriad of forums on the Internet about money making. Search for them, sign up, set up your signature (where it is allowed) to point to your site, and make useful posts. Thus many people will come to your site pretty soon. But never spam the forums. If you do, no one will be interested to come to your site, not to mention that you will get banned from the forum. There are forums where there are topics dedicated for Referrals Exchanging or Downline Building. Another great places to find Direct Referrals. Take a look at the Earnmoneyspace forum, there you have everything you need.

My Top Legitimate PTC Sites:

How to find if your PTC site is legit or scam?

Using PTC sites or any other site that doesn’t require any skills will never make you filthy rich. But it is a proven fact that it is possible to make money with these sites, and with a little experience you can have a nice side income with them. Unfortunately many PTC sites turn into scam in a very short period of time. Every day dozens of PTC sites start their business and half of them disappear in less than three months.
Some of them are serious, some of them close due to a management failure, and some of them are purposely scam sites from the beginning. It is important to be able to distinguish which sites are worth to register to, and which of them are only there to scam us. There’s no way to tell it for sure but keeping in mind the hints described here, the chances to avoid scam sites increase considerably. Thus you don’t waste your time with scammers and they don’t take your money away. I recommend to check the sites before you join them, and double check them before you invest your money in them.
  • Take a look at the site and its design. If it is based on a largely used, generic script or the site is poorly constructed and is full of misspelled words that does not inspire much confidence. If the owner of the site doesn’t spend money on the script, don’t expect to pay you.
  • Look at the domain name. If it’s a domain that is for free that is bad. PTC sites on an unpaid domain are gone very soon.
  • Check if the site has a forum. If there’s no forum, stay away. PTC sites with no forum are 100% scam.
  • Check the forum of the site, read the posts of the users, how many recent payment proofs are there, if there are any complaint regarding the site. Figure out how responsive is the Admin and the Moderators.
  • If you must deposit money in order to cash-out, forget the site.
  • Find out how long is the site online. The older the site is the better.
  • The sites that promise that make you rich quickly without doing anything are only there to scam you. There is no such thing as free money neither on the Internet nor in the real world.
  • Check the click rates that the site offers. Anything higher than $0.01 for a Standard member’s click is suspicious.
  • Compare the click value that a user gets for a click against the advertising package price the site have. If the advertising package price does not cover the click value, that’s a major warning.

What is PTC Sites?

PTC or  Paid To Click Sites are types of sites that pay the users for viewing advertisements in other words Pay for Clicking on ads. The PTC sites are intermediary sites that make possible for the advertisers to meet the consumers. In other words PTC sites are advertising systems that connect advertisers with the consumers. The advertiser wants to expose his advertisement on pages that have very high traffic. Therefore the advertiser pays a certain amount of money for the PTC site which in exchange displays the advertisement on his site for a certain amount of click. That means that the registered users of the PTC site click the displayed advertisement, and they are paid for the simple fact of watching the ad, and of course if someone gets interested in the advertised item he/she can go for it. Thus everyone gets his/her share: the advertiser gets visitors, the users of the PTC site get paid, and the PTC site draws its fees for being an inter-mediator.

The PTC sites provide a good opportunity for everyone who has a PC and an Internet connection to make money on-line. It might be a small side income or it might be a good residual income, depending on how much effort you are willing to put into it.

And here we got to the point where some further explanation is needed. Clicking the ads although is a good start in making on-line money, doesn’t pay too much money. But every PTC site gives the possibility for every user of having referrals. With referrals you can earn much more money. There are two types of referrals: the Direct Referrals are the people who you refer yourself. By inviting people to join your favorite PTC site with your referrer link, they will join your down-line and you will have them there forever. The other type of referrals are theRented Referrals, those can be rented from the PTC site itself, they have a monthly fee and you get them in your down-line for 30 days. Then you have to manage them which means renewing, recycling or let them expiry. Don’t be afraid, it’s a very simple task. Both types of referrals will help you make more money in less time, the obvious advantage of direct Referrals that they are yours for no fee. So, try to gather as many Direct Referrals as you can. Every PTC site have a common rule: only one ad can be clicked at a time. The available ads on one PTC site can be clicked in 3-5 minutes. To qualify as having viewed the advertisement you have to click the advertisement link and let the page open for a certain amount of time, 30 seconds on average. There’s a countdown timer and when the time is up the page can be closed and click the next link. The page containing the advertisement is not needed to be kept in the forefront. It can be minimized or simply let it run in a different tab of your browser.

If you are registered on more PTC sites, you can open let’s say 5 of them at once on separate tabs of your browser, and click one ad link on each of them, thus you’ll have 5 paid ad running at once, each ad belonging to different PTC sites. This way you can spare a lot of time as the ads are “viewed” simultaneously, and this is not against any rule. And one more rule that is applied to every PTC site: You have to click the ads in order to earn from your your referrals. In other words, if you don’t click the ads, the money made by your referrals are not added to your account. Be active everyday and your referrals make you money.

My Top Legitimate PTC Sites:

Tips To Start Earning in PTC Sites

Joining these Paid to Click sites is free, there is no any charge. So, you can give it a try, it will cost you nothing and there is no any obligatios. After signing up one of the most important things is to try to find referrals. Those people who join your down-line are called Referrals. Inviting people to join your down-line will boost your income considerably. There are several ways to invite people, the most obvious is to spread your words through the Internet. If you own a website or a blog you can display your referral link on them. If you have neither of them it’s time to think about making one or having one made for you. If you are a member of a social network (like Facebook, Twitter, etc..) you can share your experience there. There are hundreds of sites where advertising is allowed free of charge, a good place for your referrer links. Not to mention that these sites you are about to join here, advertising is possible for an affordable price. You can also send e-mails to encourage your friends to join your down-line, but avoid spamming! Talking face to face or on the phone to friends, schoolmates, colleagues, relatives, acquaintances about your on-line money making offers has the highest chance of getting a new referral. There is a plenty of possible referrals all around you.

I’m pretty sure you already have at least one e-mail address, but I advise you to create one that you’ll use only with these sites. And use this newly created e-mail account to create your e-bank account(s). Don’t mix your personal e-mails with the ones you’ll receive from these sites. I recommend to use one of these e-mail providers: Google or Yahoo. Sooner or later in order to be able to withdraw your money you’ll need one or more of the following e-bank accounts: PayPal, or Payza as most of the PTC sites use one.
In the case of  PayPal and Payza, where your account ID is the e-mail you sign up with, it is highly recommended to create your PayPal or Payza account using the same e-mail account that you use to sign up to the PTC sites. In other words some PTC sites accept only those e-bank accounts to send your earned money to, that have the same ID (e-mail) as the e-mail you used to sign up to the PTC site.

Don’t use the same password on each site you sign up. If you use the same password it might happen at some point that your login data leak out somehow and you may found that somebody has taken you to the cleaners. This is more likely to happen to those people who sign up carelessly, without making prior research. Unfortunately there might be sites that are launched only to collect data about user names and passwords, and when they obtain them, they go to the popular sites and simply try to log in with those data. If they succeed, they change the payment processor ID and send the money found in the Main Balance to their own payment processor. If you wish, you can use the same username for every site, but make sure that the passwords are different.

My Top Legitimate PTC Sites: